Berkeley County (50J)

Labels: Barnstorming South Carolina
Planes and Right-Wing Politics - More Planes than Politics
Labels: Barnstorming South Carolina
I departed Twin City and headed southwest to Hemingway Stuckey - about a 20 minute flight in the C172 with a pretty good tailwind. There is very little activity at Hemingway Stuckey. The runway (11/29) is paved (about 3,300 feet) and in pretty decent shape.
Labels: Barnstorming South Carolina
Absolutely beautiful day to fly today. I departed Myrtle Beach International in N7206Q at about 0830 for the 20 minute flight to Twin City airport in Loris, SC. I was using my new Bose noise cancelling headset for the first time. By far the best headset I have ever used.
There are several hangars at Twin City and a couple of maintenance facilities. Twin City does not sell fuel, and is generally not very busy.
There are a couple of flight instructors at Twin City including a gentlemen who gives tail wheel checkouts and aerobatic instruction. A little white cat named Starlight appears to be in charge of airport operations.
Labels: Barnstorming South Carolina
I have decided that over the next year, I will fly in to at least one new South Carolina airport each week. My goal is to visit as many South Carolina airport facilities as possible in one year, and to give a brief report on each one.
Labels: Barnstorming South Carolina
I attended the South Carolina Aviation Association fly-in breakfast at Mt. Pleasant Regional Airport (f.k.a. East Cooper Regional Airport) on Sunday. I flew down with a group of fellow Myrtle Beach Flying Club pilots. We had a great time, and the weather was absolutely perfect. Sorry I don't have any pictures to share - forgot the camera.
Labels: Aviation Fun